Thursday 1 May 2008

sex and politics

This is a bit of a delayed reaction really, as this actually happened last Friday, but what with hangovers and new jobs to deal with I hadn't thought to write this down until now.
Anyhoo, Friday I had the drunken pleasure of seeing a burlesque nudey lady shaking her bits and eating fire in this bar (rather unsuited for this type of thing) but it was fun none the less, and all rather silly and tongue in cheek. I always thought of burlesque as being the arty, acceptable side of titillation, rather like a live version of 'bizarre' magazine rather than 'hustler', or 'readers wives'.
I also had the additional pleasure (or so I thought at the time) of giving this nipple-tasseled lady a cigarette outside the bar. 'Brilliant!' I thought. I finally get the chance to talk to a woman like this and find out what makes her tick. A woman who gets her bits out for a living (albeit in an artyfarty genre) therefore she must surely be confident, inspiring, in control of her destiny, a modern feminist even...
I was wrong. Sadly, our conversation went like this:
nipple lady: "thanks for the fag"
me: "not a problem, so that was pretty great what you did out there, I couldn't do something like that"
nipple lady: "oh really? yeah. er... I hadn't really thought about it, thanks though"
me: "really? but I mean, how did you get into this sort of thing? Are you a dancer? An artist?"
nipple lady: "erm, well I used to work behind the bar"
me: "oh what here?"
nipple lady: "yeah, and like, they were like, doin this night and stuff"
me: "what the burlesque...?"
nipple lady: "yeah, and so I thought, ah well they're gonna pay me more, and so, well I got nice tits ain't I, so I just thought yeah"
me: "oh"
nipple lady: "can I borrow your light? mine's gone out"
I think the fact I refer to her as 'nipple lady' sums it up really. And the moral? (not that there should be one) - some things are for viewing pleasure only, the rest is better left to the imagination.

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