Tuesday 5 August 2008


For some reason this product really tickled me. Not because it's a makeup product specifically for men who aren't clowns or mimes, but I do love a product with a fun name. There is also 'manscara', but i think 'Guyliner' as a word sounds better.

At school for some project or other we had to invent a new product. I came up with 'The Moisturazor' - a normal razor with a moisturizing sponge thing attached to the neck. I made a prototype and everything using a bic and a kitchen sponge. Gillette or whoever have many razors with various moisturizing qualities, but they don't have the portmanteau product name! Woohoo! Anyway, back to Guyliner - it's 'Tested on guys – not on animals!' There was an amusing reference to this on last weeks Now show on Radio 4; They suggested that because this product is so very manly it should be tested on bears. Grrrrr...

Anyway, aside from the brilliance of Guyliner, I think men who wear eye makeup are really quite yummy. That comment excludes clowns and mimes.

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