Sunday 2 August 2009

good friends give free jazz

My good friend john works for a company called Air who specialize in all things Jazz and PR. Through this, john has the privilege of working closely with Ronnie Scotts the awesome jazz venue in London and quite often hangs out there of an evening. This particular evening he took me to see the Roy Hargrove Quintet as his + 1, and wow, it was fantastic.

I am no music connoisseur by any means, especially when the music in question is not on the Magic fm playlist, however this experience at Ronnie's simply blew me away.

The atmosphere inside the club is so electric and exciting, you feel like you're in Bugsy Malone. Red table lamps cast a dimly lit glow over the room, really magical.

Roy Hargrove was something to behold, as were his accompanying musicians. The rhythm and melodies exploding from the stage made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. It was as if you were smoking, inhaling every note, and getting the same high as the musicians. I think I was drunk on the music, more intoxicating than my glass of wine. The rendition of my funny valentine was awesome, slightly avant-garde but intertwined with recognizable elements of the classic song, which had the effect of teasing the audience with the loved and recognised tune.

I fell a little bit in-love with the pianist (Jonathan Batiste) who I spoke to after the gig (!!!!) and the only thing I could think of to say was 'wow, your fingers do amazing things'. Not the best introduction on my part I fear. But he was INCREDIBLE. He played the piano with such classical detail Chopin would have choked on his drink. He also wore an amazing tie.

The performance as a whole was so heavy with emotion and excitement I wanted to jump out of my seat and flail my arms in the air like a loony. Luckily for John, I managed to restrain myself for most of the evening, with only a small amount of 'jazz hands' under the table where they couldn't be seen.

Anyway, enough gushing. But John, if you're reading this, please can we go again? Soon?

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